30 years of “Just do it”

A slogan, developed and based on an executed criminals last words turned 30 this week. We all know it – and to mark the 30 years of Nike’s “Just do it” slogan, the company released a campaign featuring controversial American Footballer Colin Kaepernick. Just two days later, the campaign generated over $43 million in media value with the likes of Donald Trump pitching in. What was all the fuss about?


Kaepernick’s controversial image stems from him being the first player to take a knee during the US National Anthem before an NFL game to protest police brutality against African- Americans. As a result, Kaepernick has been taken off the NFL rosters, resulting in a legal battle. Nike followed up with this video.


Opinions have been divided with hashtags #boycottNike with loyal nike fans setting their nike branded goods on fire as the action Kaepernick took was seen as disrespect to the National Anthem.

My thoughts? This was an extremely refreshing act of brand authenticity. Furthermore, it showed Nikes ability to jump on polarising issues (Speed) and take a stance which resonated with their 30 year old slogan. From a digital marketing standpoint, virality of their media communications were successful, surpassing KPI’s and increasing the brand resonance within the consumers who believed in Nike’s message. In a way, Nike has managed to cull the non believers of Nike’s true brand mantra and have strengthened their community of believers. The authenticity of nike standing behind the underdog and potentially losing some customers along the way is something I personally admire.

With an increasing stress on SEO, AI and strategic data based marketing, Nike have managed to create an authentic campaign which drew the consumer back to the roots of Nike.

What are your thoughts? Will authentic branding and communications manage to withstand the test of a volatile and fast pace marketing environment?









One Comment

  1. Really great post – I agree with you, I think this campaign that Niki have released is really refreshing and shows that they are true to their values and beliefs, no matter how people may feel about them. I think that authentic branding will be able to stand the test of time, when a brand is passionate about something I feel it is hard to compare them to brands that are trying to keep up with others are doing and are in-genuine.

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