Speed v.s Quality

IN a growing cyber age, digital content has become a must for any growing social media marketing strategy. Whether it be in the form of videos, images, tweets etc. , businesses and agencies are constantly distributing content into our socials. However, most reach a common dilemma… Speed vs Quality.

Should we spend ample time curating and “perfecting” our content, or would it be more advantageous for us to be the first to distribute our content?

Some argue that speed is the way to go. With decreasing attention spans, we are losing our attentiveness to content 7 seconds into a video. Thus popular opinion says releasing visually eye catching content at a fast pace regularly is a way into the consumers mind and furthermore increases our chances of sharing the content.

I think its a win – win dilemma, as it really makes businesses think situationally, and aline their choice with their brands values. A major factor we should consider in this debate is a brands opportunity to “Trend leech”. Trend leeching is when a business uses fast fleeting breaking news or current trends in order to position their marketing communication of a product or service. An example of this is the business “head space” currently using the hype around up and coming young Australian Footballer Daniel Arzani, to talk about his experiences with mental health.  Trend leeching is a good example of using speed, and businesses should capitalise on any opportunity to effectively trend leech.

What do you guys think is more important, speed or quality? 



  1. Hmmm. Interesting points there, friend. It sure sounds like marketers have found themselves in a pickle!! I think the more the content, the better, but to a certain level of quality it’s important. Social media is letting brands interact so much more, so if they’re not being fast and produce the more content – they’re getting lost.

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  2. Interesting piece! As much as I would like to say that quality trumps speed, I do hate to admit we are most definitely the ‘goldfish generation’ where we forget things in the span of 5 seconds. In the current digital era perhaps ‘Trend Leeching’ IS the only way in which we can stay relevant in this industry. But that being said, I’m sure that some content being created at rapid speed also posses high levels of quality?

    From your friendly,

    Netizen Neighbour

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    1. Yep definitely! Im sure there are heaps of fast “trend leeching” marketing campaigns are of high quality! However the problem with the trend leeching speed method is that most of the time they don’t really leave a high level of resonance in terms of the brands core values – so can be seen to be more of a short term strategy. However that being said, i guess businesses need those short term strategies to stay relevant in a competitive and volatile marketing world.



  3. Personally, I think having curated content will capture my attention better and will also be something that I will remember for a longer time. A lot of businesses tend to be homogenous in the way they attract their customers as one company learns from another and imitates their strategies. However, this might differ with what is actually being marketed and will also differ with people’s preferences.

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